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Peter Harwood Scholarship in Community Leadership and Excellence

Closing date: 01/11/2018

Value of Award: $6,000 contribution towards fees

No. of awards: Up to five scholarships are available annually.

• The tenure of this scholarship is for one year.
• Current recipients may apply for renewal for up to a total of three years but must submit a new application by the closing date each year. Attachments and the reference statement are not required for renewal.

The Peter Harwood Scholarship in Community Leadership and Excellence is to reward leadership qualities and academic excellence.

To encourage and support students to pursue tertiary education in the area of Māori Development, Te Ara Poutama at AUT University.

Selection criteria:

  • • Applicants must have been accepted onto full-time study for a certificate, diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme within Te Ara Poutama .
  • • Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents.
  • • Applicants must request a referee’s statement supporting their leadership from a community leader, group, organisation or school.

General Information:

How do students apply?
Application for this scholarship is through the AUT on-line scholarship application system this will be available from September of the year of application. Applicants will be asked to upload:
• An official transcript of the applicant’s academic results in the current and preceding year unless the study was attempted through AUT.
• Applicants will be asked to nominate through the online system one referee who can speak in support of the applicant’s leadership ability.
Application Form
Regulations  [PDF, 247.7 KB]

Decision makers
The selection panel will consist of The Tumuaki (or nominee) and the Programme Leaders .
No scholarship will be awarded upon any occasion if the panel is of the opinion that there is no applicant of sufficient merit applying for the award.

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How and when do students learn of the decision?

The selection panel will consist of:
The Tumuaki (or nominee)
Programme Leaders

No scholarship will be awarded upon any occasion if the panel is of the opinion that there is no applicant of sufficient merit applying for the award.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?
Recipients will be expected to:
Attend all classes
Support Te Ara Poutama recruitment and marketing activities, if and when required
Participate in supporting Te Ara Poutama students in accessing support services through familiarisation with AUT staff and services

Additional information
This scholarship may not be held in conjunction with any other fees scholarship.
The recipient may hold additional non-tuition fee based scholarships with the approval of the Head of Department and the Scholarships Office.

Who else has information about this award?

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

Auckland University of Technology

Phone: +64 9 921 9837

Email: [email protected]

Visit Scholarship Website

New Zealand

Dullabh Education Award

About the scholarship

Application status: Not currently open for applications
Applicable study: Year 3 of a BEd(Tchg) Primary, GradDipTchg(Sec) or a Masters Degree in Education
Opening date: 23 February
Closing date: 6 April
Tenure: 1 year
For: Assistance
Number on offer: Up to 3 (see Reg.2)
Offer rate: Annually
Value: Up to $2,500 each

The Award was established in 2016 and is funded by Arvind Dullabh, a retired Auckland secondary school teacher, inspired by his father who was a strong advocate for education and throughout his life helped many children in India to gain an education.

The main purpose of the Award is to provide assistance to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary specialisation, the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) or a masters degree in the field of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Work who, because of financial hardship, may not otherwise be able to undertake university study.

How to apply

Scholarship applications will usually open around six weeks before the closing date. Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you apply.

Help and support

You can find answers to your questions about scholarships, awards and prizes on the University’s online help and support centre, AskAuckland .

If you can’t find the answer to your question, contact our Student Support Team .

  • For questions about a particular scholarship, award or prize, please include the exact name.
  • For scholarships or awards closing within the next three days, please mark your enquiry as urgent.

Technical issues or errors

  • For technical issues or errors, the most common fix is to clear your internet browser cache . Then try again.
  • If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please send a screen shot of the page showing the error message or issue, and any details you can, to our Student Support Team .
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Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However we strongly advise that you check the regulations, application forms and any other information that is available, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for any application you might make, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and closing dates.

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Masters Scholarships

Māori Electoral Option MA Thesis Scholarship


The scholarship covers stipend of $15,000, plus tuition fees for the thesis component

Tenure of award:

One year

Closing dates for applications:

15 November 2018

Number of awards offered:


History or background of award

An MA Scholarship is available for a thesis in the 2019 academic year, associated with the ‘Big Data Approach to the Problem of Electoral Turnout’, a Marsden-funded research project, under the supervision of Professor Jack Vowles. Taking a ‘big data’ approach, using marked electoral rolls indicating whether or not the 30,000 people sampled cast a vote, this research maps and seeks to explain stability and change in voting and not voting over two general elections and two local elections. The proposed research will analyse movement between the general and Māori rolls during 2018, using both the matched sample and the entire rolls before and after the change.

Purpose of award

Applications are sought from those who are eligible at the time of application, or who will have become eligible at the start of Trimester 2 the following year, to enrol for a Master’s degree by thesis worth 90 points or more. This will either be Part 2 of a two-year, 180 point Master of Political Science (MPols) degree (course code POLS595, 90 points) or a 120 point Master of Arts (MA) thesis in Political Science (course code POLS591).

Selection criteria

* Applicants would normally be expected to have completed a Bachelor’s degree or Honours or Master’s degree Part 1 in political science or an appropriate social science subject demonstrating academic achievement equivalent to a First-Class Honours degree from a New Zealand University.
* Applicants undertaking a 180-point Master’s degree may be eligible for this scholarship provided that they conduct the research under POLS595 (as a 90-point thesis).
* Scholarships will be awarded solely on the basis of academic merit.
* The research will require a willingness to engage with and analyse data, using various methods of quantitative analysis and experience in using statistical methods will be an advantage. Assistance in learning such skills, if required, will be available from the project research assistant in the first half of the year, and throughout from the supervisor.

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How do students apply?

Apply online

Decision makers

Professor Jack Vowles, Dr. Matthew Gibbons, Professor Jon Fraenkel.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?

Entry into MA or MPols programme

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

Position: The Scholarships Office
Organisation: Victoria University of Wellington
Address: PO Box 600 Wellington 6140 New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 463 5557
E-mail: [email protected]

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Masters Scholarships

Vision Matauranga – Deep South Challenge Masters Scholarship (by Thesis)


Up to $20,000 ($15,000 stipend and a fees contribution of up to $5,000)

Tenure of award:

One year

Closing dates for applications:

15 November 2018

Number of awards offered:


History or background of award

In collaboration with Victoria University, the VISION MĀTAURANGA science programme as part of the Deep South National Science Challenge, is offering two Masters Scholarships. The scholarships have been established to build cross-disciplinary research capability and capacity in global change studies to help meet the emerging demands of increasingly complex social, economic, political and bio-physical system changes facing Māori and wider Aotearoa/New Zealand society. Projects are sought that will contribute to the following four research themes:
Theme 1: Understanding climate change – linkages, pressure points and potential responses
Theme 2: Exploring adaptation options for Māori communities
Theme 3: Assistance to Māori businesses to aid decision-making and long-term sustainability
Theme 4: Products, services and systems derived from mātauranga Māori*
* Includes: Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori

Purpose of award

The scholarships have been established to build cross-disciplinary research capability and capacity in global change studies to help meet the emerging demands of increasingly complex social, economic, political and bio-physical system changes brought on by a warming climate facing Māori and wider Aotearoa/New Zealand society.

Applications are sought from those who are eligible at the time of application, or who will have become eligible within six months of notification, to enrol in a Master’s degree by thesis worth 90 points or more. In most cases this will be Part 2 of a two-year Master’s degree.

Selection criteria

Applications are sought from those who are eligible at the time of application, or who will have become eligible within six months of notification, to enrol in a Master’s degree by thesis worth 90 points or more. In most cases this will be Part 2 of a two-year Master’s degree.

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– Applications are invited from New Zealanders of Māori descent
– You must be eligible to undertake an MA or MSc at Victoria University of Wellington
– You must be enrolled in a full-time study
– Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit
– A suitable university supervisor must be agreed prior to acceptance
– Proposed research should be feasible and applicable
– Study must commence within 6 months of receiving this scholarship
Applicants across the physical and social sciences are encouraged to apply.

How do students apply?

Scholarship applicants must contact the School in which they wish to enrol directly so that their research proposal and the feasibility of supervision can be assessed. Enrolling as a Master’s student and applying for a Scholarship are two separate processes. The holding of Scholarship is conditional upon the scholarship recipient gaining enrolment as a Master’s student.
Applicants, other than those who have completed all of their study at Victoria, must include a certified copy of their academic record from other institutions with this application.
Apply online

Decision makers

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit by the Deep South Challenge Kāhui Māori and  the Science Leader for the Vision Mātauranga science programme.

How and when do students learn of the decision?

Once the Selection Committee has made a decision applicants will be notified by email of their results, and any feedback from the Committee. The scholarship will be paid in monthly instalments following completion of a 6-monthly progress report by the student.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?

Scholarship recipients will be expected to sign a Postgraduate Scholarship Contract.

Once the period of tenure of a scholarship has commenced, the Scholarships Committee may, at its sole discretion, grant a scholarship recipient a deferment of their scholarship for a period of up-to six months. In most cases such a deferment will coincide with a formal suspension from their enrolment in the Master’s degree.

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A scholarship shall be terminated and the corresponding proportion of the scholarship emolument forfeited, if a scholarship recipient ceases to resume the aforesaid programme of research or advanced study within one month of the last day of the period of deferment.

Scholarship recipients shall be required to devote themselves full-time to their programme of research during the tenure of the scholarship and may not hold a position of employment without the approval of the Scholarships Committee. Approval may be given for scholarship recipients to undertake paid employment (usually tutoring) for up to a maximum of 600 hours in one calendar year.

Each scholarship recipient and his/her principal supervisor shall provide a quarterly progress report to the Scholarships Office six months after the commencement of the scholarship. Where progress is not satisfactory, the matter will be referred to the Scholarships Committee.

The Scholarships Committee may at any time suspend or terminate a scholarship, if the scholarship recipient is not diligently pursuing their programme of research, has violated the University Statute on Conduct, or has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions on which the scholarship was awarded.

Who else has information about this award?

For more information about this award and the Vision Mātauranga programme of science please contact:
Associate Professor Sandy Morrison
Deep South Challenge Vision Mātauranga Science Leader
Email: [email protected]

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

Position: The Scholarships Office
Organisation: Victoria University of Wellington
Address: PO Box 600 Wellington 6140 New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 463 5557
E-mail: [email protected]

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